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For more than 40 years, Backwoods Solar has sold customized renewable energy equipment. We sell: solar panels (also called solar modules), wind turbines, micro-hydro turbines, all balance of system components, custom-built solar panel system kits and custom-designed solar power system plans.

We know the solar energy components we sell because we live with these solar products in our homes. Firsthand experience gives us the unique ability to personalize whatever renewable energy system you need. We pride ourselves on our custom-built residential off-grid solar kits and tailor-made grid-tie solar kits, solar-direct water pumping systems, small off-grid cabin systems, RV systems, as well as commercial grid-tie systems.

We do not believe in selling pre-packaged solar equipment kits because each situation is different. We do believe in fully exploring and researching the needs associated with your solar power project; helping you understand what solar electricity products you need; and then putting together a one-of-a-kind solar energy system that is ideal for your property. We will work one-on-one with you and/or your solar panel system installer to design the solar power system that will meet your solar energy needs as well as your budget.

Our solar design service and after sale technical support are unsurpassed and absolutely FREE of charge. Such claims are easy for us to write but our solar power system customers sing our praises the best.  Just recently, Phil from Alabama wrote, "I have talked to several of your competitors and I can say that talking with you has been a far greater pleasure than your competitors and your technical support has been second to none."  To read more comments from our customers, click here!

We welcome the opportunity to get your renewable energy system started and earn your praises too.

Contact us online or call us 伕理http to get started.

To download or request our 160-page Catalog and Planning Guide, click here.

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